We are social beings and we are in this together sharing communal space.

This makes us vulnerable to the behavior of others. All these Adverse Childhood Experiences affect us and nobody is shielded by the location of their home, their economic privilege or perhaps even their conscious efforts to insulate and guard themselves and their families.

 ACEs often negatively affect a family for generations. Kids who are abused or neglected grow up and find themselves in similar situations with domestic violence or substance abuse. Their children suffer abuse and neglect, turn to drugs or alcohol and the cycle starts all over again.

Adults who experienced ACEs and didn’t get some sort of intervention have been using coping mechanisms for a very long time. Unfortunately, most of them don’t work and has been causing more problems and implications. The lack of community awareness about ACEs’ generational impact is a roadblock to fortifying more resources and greater connection.

Many organizations have been addressing the immediate and lifelong impact that acquaintance to toxic stress and traumatic experiences has on children.

Here are some of the common goals:

  • Every clinician and every adult in contact with children needs to commit to early intervention.

  • Every adult in a child’s life must be aware of ACEs and their dire consequences.

  • All of us can find ways to share information about ACEs.

A lot of evidence and studies show and prove that early intervention for ACEs can reduce or prevent someone from engaging in harmful or violent behaviors later in life. Every child should grow up feeling safe and loved. You can be a buffer against childhood trauma and adversity by joining us in the fight against ACEs.